
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year one and all! May 2013 be a year filled with joy, love and peace.

Yesterday, J and I went grocery shopping at Whole Foods Market to get ourselves ingredients for our New Year’s Eve dinner. This year, we decided to spend our last dinner of 2012 at home over a home-cooked meal! The theme was fusion – we made Japanese soba noodles, Japanese egg tamago, beef stew and muffins.

Getting ready to head to the grocers!
 Inner wear.

 Outer wear with scarf.

On our way there...
We spotted snow-top cars and piles of snow!

Some plants that look very much like the pussy willow. Reminds me much of Chinese New Year.

A carpark this full is such a rare sight!

And just as we thought we could never make authentic roti prata in the US, this heavenly can appeared. 

Freshly-prepared loaves of bread.

Freshly-baked cookie selection. 

Instead of purchasing an off-the-shelf can of processed peanut butter, why not get hands-on and make your own?! 

They had peonies - one of my favorite flowers. 

Ice-cream that was too tempting despite the chilly weather.

Snow dozers to shovel snow off your cars. Simple design but so handy.

We got to take home free recipes and magazines just as we were about to leave.

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