
About Me

Hi! I'm Liz Tea and welcome to my blog.

I'm a Singaporean who’s currently residing in the US. The husband's here for work so that explains my current job status being that of a lifestyle guru-in-training.

Some things you might want to know about my training schedule…

  • I don't have a domestic helper to do the household chores. Instead, I have a loving husband (J) who helps me with them (we have a 50-50 rule, just kidding!).
  • There are no maids-in-waiting ready to do my laundry. I wash and dry the clothes every weekend, with the help of washers and dryers, of course.
  • My kitchen doesn't house a personal chef. Instead, I thoroughly enjoy getting my hands dirty on cupcake batter and bacon slices.
  • I live the life without chauffeurs! Roaming the streets and soaking up the sights and sounds of everyday interaction is a must.
  • Having my camera at hand and capturing almost everything at the spur of the moment is not always easy but exhilarating at the same time (even in my sleep).

Sounds like an intense curriculum huh. :)

Well, J and I absolutely enjoy traveling and trying new things...basically taking whatever life throws at us and turning them into learning journeys. Life's all about savoring those experiences - the good and the bad, isn't it? Although I may not know who's having this blog on bookmark and who's been constantly stalking those photos, I'd love to share my experiences with you nonetheless. 

So if you aren't masking a yawn or twitching your fingers out of boredom, welcome to my world! Stick around for some fun and I hope to get to know you as well.

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