
Monday, January 21, 2013

Row, Row, Row our Gondola

Part of the Venice experience is to ride on a gondola. I remember my cousin’s confession to me on a day many years ago. He told me that he would not ride a gondola till he finds his true love, as he’d like the experience to be encapsulated in that moment with his true love. What a romantic! Funny thing is, when I recently reminded him of this incident, he couldn’t recall it at all! Haha. Anyway, this was our first time on a couple gondola and we enjoyed every bit of the 40 minute ride.

Buying a ticket is pretty convenient, with these cute stations around the Pier.

That's our gondola with extra comfy seats.

Right before we set off...

Our friendly gondolier who sang us a tune and introduced us to the history and architectural significance of the Venetian buildings. Very fortunate to have had him because we sailed past a gondola that was playing Andrea Bocelli on repeat (note that there was not a hint of the gondolier's voice).

One of the many bridges we saw. Our gondolier had to duck every time we sailed through them.

We were headed for a slight turn here.

Still alive!

Spotted: Our hotel by the banks!

All I can say is that a ride on the gondola is a must if you ever set foot in Venice, and especially if you do visit with your special someone. 

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