
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Milan Fashion Week

One night in Milan was all we had, and that explains our mad-rush shopping spree when we arrived in the evening the day before we checked out. It was a pity we couldn’t spend more time in the area especially since it was Milan Fashion Week…but we had a ball of a time finding the perfect bag, watch and pair of sunnies, all under a humongous amount of stress (we had less than 2 hours to shop before closing time)!

Interesting window displays...

...and road signs!

Versace Home display.

The interior of Young Versace. Love the lilac!

Spot the dog shopping in Gucci!

Got a memo for an item I was considering.

J on a search for his Prada sunnies! Looking real pleased here.

Shoes galore! 

And as I’ve promised, here’s the huge coincidence that happened during our shopping spree in Milan…

We were shopping in Prada and by some miracle, I happened to be standing beside my old time schoolmate, G! He happened to be in Milan for a work assignment. What are the chances that you'll be in the same place, at the same time, doing the exact same thing with a friend you did not plan to meet - in a foreign land, to think that I had less than 2 hours of a chance to meet him?!?!? This.was.too.surreal.

We HAD to take more pictures outside this historical landmark. Gawd. Till this day, I still can't believe it happened. Was great bumping into G though!

No time was wasted! We continued our search in Miu Miu...

Finally! One of our purchases.

The very hospitable salesgirl (let's call her B) who made our dreams come true...well, kinda. She made our shopping experience a much more pleasant one.

On our way to dinner, a rather interesting campaign caught our attention. 

The words on the banner translates to: "Imagine if this was your life."
They were campaigning against cruelty to pigs. I thought it was rather creative to have a live display of a human being caged up contrasting an image of a suffering pig. It got me thinking. Isn't that cruelty to humans too?

B recommended us this supposedly "un-touristy" restaurant - Fratelli la Bufala. She said that it's one of her favorites and not many tourists know about it. We decided to trust the word of a local and boy were we pleasantly surprised. We were the first few dinner crowd customers and enjoyed the food and service thoroughly.

Some architecture we spotted along our way back. Did I tell you that there was a transportation strike and we had so much difficulty getting a taxi back to our hotel. All we could do was to walk toward the direction of our hotel and hope that a taxi passed by!

This is the color of the night sky at 9.30pm. We were still in the process of getting nearer to our hotel by foot at this point! And finally!!! A taxi stopped to save us.

These ads were spotted at the Milan Malpensa Airport. The Italians are advocates of genuine brands, as you can see for yourself.

My very short stay at Milan was memorable and I enjoyed every bit of it especially since so much happened in such a short period of time. 

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